Gluten Free Foods

Use these lists as a reference as you meal plan and grocery shop

Naturally Gluten Free Foods

  • Fruits

  • Vegetables

  • Potatoes

  • Rice

  • Corn

  • Beans

  • Quinoa

  • Nuts

  • Milk

  • Butter

  • Yogurt

  • Most cheeses

  • Seafood

  • Meat

  • Alternative flours (buckwheat, coconut, millet, gluten free oats, tapioca, teff)

  • Distilled alcoholic beverages

  • Wine

  • Vinegar

Naturally gluten free foods can still contain gluten! Watch out for:

  • Processed meats such as sausage or lunch meat. They may contain gluten flavoring.

  • Ice cream with additives like Cookies and Cream ice cream

  • Malt vinegar which contains gluten

  • Foods Covered in breading for frying like fried fish, crab cakes, fried okra, or french fries

  • Seasonings (wheat fillers)

  • Flavorings (wheat fillers)

  • Vegetable starch (wheat fillers)

  • Dextrin or maltodextrin (sometimes made from wheat)

  • Soup stock or broth

  • Candy

  • Cereal

  • Chips

  • Pretzels

  • Crackers

  • Flavored drinks

  • Oats (must be labeled gluten free. Oats are naturally gluten free but they are often processed with the same equipment that processes wheat)

  • Imitation seafood

  • Processed meats (sausage, jerky)

  • Salad dressings

  • Sauces, gravy, marinades

  • Canned soups

  • Seasonings

  • Seasoned nuts

  • Vitamins

  • Supplements

  • Packaged rice

Foods that contain gluten

  • Grains: wheat, barley, rye including wheat varieties (einkorn, durum, faro, graham, kamut, semolina, spelt)

  • Beers and ale

  • Bread and bread crumbs

  • Communion wafers

  • Challah

  • Cake

  • Pie crust

  • Muffins

  • Baked goods

  • Croutons

  • Matzo

  • Pasta

  • Soy sauce

  • Stuffing

  • Flour tortillas

There are often gluten free versions of these foods such as gluten free flour, gluten free bread, gluten free pasta, gluten free soy sauce, gluten free stuffing, gluten free tortillas, etc.

Ingredients that contain gluten

  • Wheat protein or hydrolyzed wheat protein

  • Wheat starch

  • Wheat flour

  • Bread flour

  • Bleached flour

  • Bulgur (type of wheat)

  • Malt (from barley)

  • Couscous (from wheat)

  • Farina (from wheat)

  • Seitan (wheat gluten used in vegetarian dishes)

  • Wheat or barley grass (cross-contamination)

  • Wheat germ oil or extract (cross contamination)

Non-food items that may contain gluten

  • Play-Doh

  • Paper mache’

  • Glue

  • Makeup

Foods that may or may not contain gluten

Always carefully read the label for allergies (It will state: may contain wheat or processed in a facility that processes wheat)

Ingredients that may or may not contain gluten

Read the label for details since they can often be made from wheat, corn, or soy.

  • Vegetable protein

  • Modified food starch

  • Natural flavoring (from barley)

  • Artificial flavoring (from barley)

  • Hydrolyzed plant protein

  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

  • Foods that contain stuffing like turkey or stuffed mushrooms

  • Shredded cheese sometimes contains gluten to prevent clumping

When in doubt, read the label for allergy information to see if it contains gluten or wheat. You can also do an internet search to determine if a product contains gluten or not.